Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Horrible Realization

My room is a mess. True, it's 90% Megan's stuff, but still. 

As I was looking at it yesterday in horror, I suddenly realized that not only do we have to clean up our little house, with our moving date coming NEXT WEEKEND, we also have to pack everything up... in the next five days. 

Ah how lovely. And not only do we have to tidy up AND pack, we also have to pack, keeping Uganda in mind. So we have to pack for two places at once. And once we arrive in Uganda we will be back to living out of a suitcase until the rest of our stuff arrives. 

Ok so it's not exactly the most horrible of things, but I'm not really looking forward to all this :(

**Pictures coming later on of what are thought to be the oldest caves/rock structures in the world! Pretty sweet!**

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